Friday, May 31, 2019

Random Stuff (1)

  • Of all of the 8194 Democrats currently running for president, I'd want Kamala Harris to win. Not because I like her but because, if we have to have a Democrat President, calling her the Prostitute in Chief and watching the Democrats' heads explode every time would be a lot of fun.
  • Joe Biden is up by 20-30 points among the 8194 Democrats currently running for president. How off the rails has the Democrat Party gone to consider Joe Biden to be the sane candidate?!?

  • Just to freak Leftists out: If you live in a state where concealed carry is legal, the odds are that you walk right by someone carrying a gun every day. You stand in line at the store next to someone carrying a gun every day. And yet, somehow, you've never been shot. Weird, huh?

  • Democrats, "The Party of Science" believe that a fetus with unique DNA is not a human being. They also believe that the climate, after 4 billion years of change, should stop changing now because reasons.

  • The Left wants you to believe that the climate is changing because of mankind's actions. Even if that were true (it's not), so what? The climate is going to change regardless of mankind. What we may do may influence it a tiny bit (it won't) one way or another, but it's going to change.

  • Want to shut a Church of Climate Change fanatic up? Ask it (pronouns) what the temperature of the earth should be. What is the exact temperature that the earth should be at forever and ever, amen?
  • A Leftist calling someone a Fascist is no different than a six-year-old calling someone a "poopy head".  They both know that those words are bad and they will use them because they hate whomever they're using the epithets against. That's really as deep as the thought process goes.

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