Saturday, July 6, 2019

My Theory Holds

Joe Biden:
"The idea that I'd be intimidated by Donald Trump. He's the bully that I knew my whole life. He's the bully that I've always stood up to. He's the bully that used to make fun when I was a kid that I stutter, and I'd smack him in the mouth."
60 years later and he's still obsessed with the kids who bullied him. They never get over it. They never grow up.

Cognitive Dissonance of the Left

Remember, there are only three types of people who can live comfortably with cognitive dissonance: Children, the insane and Leftists. Most Leftists are a combination of those three.

Joe Biden is being called a "segregationist" because he opposed school busing in the 1970s. The Left thinks that this is evil.

Meanwhile, on college campuses across the country, blacks and other minorities are holding their own segregated graduation ceremonies, have segregated dorms, segregated cafeterias and are associating with only others of their own ethnicities. The Left thinks that this is fine.

Leftists call The United States an evil hellhole of hatred and racism. And, yet, they are inviting everyone in the world to come here and partake of our benefits and have a better life.

The Left endlessly repeats that it is "fighting back" against "lies and hatred". And, yet, their entire lives are spent spewing out lies and hatred towards anyone who disagrees with them.

People dressed in black beating up their political opponents calling themselves "anti-facist".

To be continued...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Go Kamala!

I really hope that Kamala Harris wins the Democrat nomination for the presidency. Just imagine the fun.

POTUS: Prostitute of the United States.

Or, better yet:

HOTUS: Hooker of the United States.

If she hadn't been banging Willie Brown behind his wife's back, she'd be a public defender in some low-rent attorney's office.

There's only one thing that you can call a person who has sex for monetary gain. The word begins with a "W" and ends with "hore".