Friday, May 31, 2019

Random Stuff (1)

  • Of all of the 8194 Democrats currently running for president, I'd want Kamala Harris to win. Not because I like her but because, if we have to have a Democrat President, calling her the Prostitute in Chief and watching the Democrats' heads explode every time would be a lot of fun.
  • Joe Biden is up by 20-30 points among the 8194 Democrats currently running for president. How off the rails has the Democrat Party gone to consider Joe Biden to be the sane candidate?!?

  • Just to freak Leftists out: If you live in a state where concealed carry is legal, the odds are that you walk right by someone carrying a gun every day. You stand in line at the store next to someone carrying a gun every day. And yet, somehow, you've never been shot. Weird, huh?

  • Democrats, "The Party of Science" believe that a fetus with unique DNA is not a human being. They also believe that the climate, after 4 billion years of change, should stop changing now because reasons.

  • The Left wants you to believe that the climate is changing because of mankind's actions. Even if that were true (it's not), so what? The climate is going to change regardless of mankind. What we may do may influence it a tiny bit (it won't) one way or another, but it's going to change.

  • Want to shut a Church of Climate Change fanatic up? Ask it (pronouns) what the temperature of the earth should be. What is the exact temperature that the earth should be at forever and ever, amen?
  • A Leftist calling someone a Fascist is no different than a six-year-old calling someone a "poopy head".  They both know that those words are bad and they will use them because they hate whomever they're using the epithets against. That's really as deep as the thought process goes.

Monday, May 27, 2019

I Think She Didn't Think

If passing anti-abortion bills will make hot chicks take their clothes off for us, I say we pass more anti-abortion bills! Who's with me?

Leftists/children are so bad at thinking things through.


The Left: President Trump is engaging in a cover-up!

President Trump: Fine. I'll declassify everything to show America that I'm not covering anything up.

The Left: That's not fair!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Released From Hell

If you were in Hell, and were suddenly offered a way out, what would you do to accept that offer and remain free from Hell? Anything. Absolutely anything.

For your average Leftist, childhood was Hell. The teasing, the bullying, the loneliness never ended. It went on 24/7/365, forever. It was torture that never ended.

And then, as they started to get out of school and into the real world of jobs and/or college, they began to find others like themselves: misfits, nerds, losers. And, unlike their school years where they were a small, isolated minority, there were a lot of these people. Suddenly, they could have what they always wanted more than anything but could never have: social acceptance. Granted, it was social acceptance by other damaged people, but they could have actual friends now! Besides, they all hated the normal kids by this point, which gave them something in common right from the start.

And, if you hate the normal people of the world, if you hate the society that abused you for your entire life where do you go? You go to the politics of the Left, which promises to destroy that society and make all of the normal people pay.

They banded together. They drank the Leftist Kool-Aid like it was nectar from Heaven. It sated their hatred and their thirst for revenge. It made their hatred seem righteous!

Did they believe the Leftist propaganda? It's hard to say. I tend to think that they believed it from the first word of propaganda that they heard. It reinforced their hatred. It gave them a reason for their hatred that seemed, on the outside, to be more justified and less childish than, "They bullied me!".

But deep, down, that is what Leftism is all about. They are getting their revenge upon the people and society that hurt them.

In addition they, perhaps consciously, perhaps subconsciously, knew that if they didn't believe the Leftist catechism, they would once again be ostracized and exiled. In other words, they'd be thrown back into Hell.

They will do anything to prevent that. Anything.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Unintended Consequences

One thing that children are very bad at is thinking things through and understanding what the consequences of their actions will be. They just want what they want, and what they want is all that matters.

A child will throw a rock through a window because it sounds like fun. The thought process ends there. A child will steal something because he wants it. A child will tell lies, never thinking about how those lies may harm someone else or come back to hurt themselves. These things just make them feel good and they get what they want.

The Democrats, being Leftists/children, have the same mentality. It never occurred to them that welfare would cause poverty or that gun-free zones would encourage mass shootings in those places. Those are just two examples of thousands. But the common denominator is that, once the Democrats do something that makes them feel good about themselves or gets them what they want, the thought process ends.

Because when you are, emotionally, a child whose self-esteem has been battered during childhood and have always felt bad, feeling good about yourself is the most important thing on earth. It is why Democrats, no matter how disastrous their policies, will never admit - even to themselves - that they were wrong. The horrible policy was never the point. Feeling good and feeling morally superior was the point.

The "collusion" investigation against President Trump is exactly the same thing. The Democrats didn't want Trump to become president, so they began to use illegal means to undermine his candidacy. And, when that failed, they continued the illegality to drive him from office. It never occurred to them that they would fail and it would blow up in their faces because they never even thought about the possibility. It just made them feel morally superior. It gave them a "righteous" cause to fight for.

And now, the Democrats are in a panic, because they're realizing what the consequences of their actions may be.

First, the American public - the normal kids in Leftist's eyes - are becoming increasingly fed up with the Democrats' constant tantrums. This poll which CNN tried to bury, shows that 69% of people, including 76% of Democrats (!) think that all of these shenanigans should be investigated.

That is disastrous for the Democrats, especially 18 months form an election, because they have no choice but to not just continue, but to crank the noise level up to 11. Admitting that they were wrong is not an option.

And, come election time, the American public will go to the polls relating Democrats to the highly disliked "collusion" narrative and not any policies that the Democrats have put forth (not that their policies are anything that the public wants; Green New Deal, anyone?).

Second, Attorney General Barr is investigating all of the crimes that have been committed and many Democrats are going to have their careers ruined and/or quite possibly go to prison. Everyone from Democrat staffers, members of Congress, CIA and FBI officials and media figures may face ruined reputations and prison time.

And, again, this will all happen just before the 2020 election. Americans are going to go to the polls with all of this in mind. But the Democrats have no choice, in their minds, but to plow ahead.

There is one way to possibly save themselves, or at least mitigate the damage: admit that they were wrong. They would have to sacrifice some people and beg forgiveness from the American people, but at least they wouldn't be utterly destroyed.

But they will never do that. It won't even occur to them that it's a possibility. The only thing that may save them will never even cross their minds. Because they're really bad at seeing the possible consequences of their actions.