Monday, May 5, 2025

Leftist or Child?

  • It's not fair!

  • He has more than I do!

  • He called me a name!

  • It's different when I do it!

  • Rule change!

  • But I want it!

  • La la la la la la! I can't hear you!

  • Everyone should do what I want!

  • Shut up!

  • You're stupid because you don't agree with me!

  • They have to share their stuff with me!

  • I'm not going to share my stuff with them!

  • I hate you!

  • Take care of me!

  • Give me stuff!

  • Rules are stupid! Except for my rules!

  • I don't wanna work/do chores!

  • Stop laughing at me!

  • He hurt my feelings! 
  • I only lost because they cheated!

ALL of this behavior can be found in both Leftist philosophy and on any playground.

Saturday, May 3, 2025

How Do Leftists Become Leftists?

Why are they all so full of rage? Why do they hate normal people? Why do they hate America? How can they believe things that are truly insane? Do they really believe those things? How is it possible for them to believe two diametrically opposed things at the same time? How can they not see their own glaring hypocrisy on almost any subject? Why do they crave power like a junkie craves heroin? Why can they tell obvious lies and expect you to believe them? Why can't they tell the difference between feelings and facts? How did their heads get that fucked up?

The answer is surprisingly simple. And it all started on the playground.

This blog will focus mostly on how Leftists (aka Socialists, Communists, Progressives, Democrats, etc.) became the fucked up basketcases that they are. However, I will post about current events, commentary on society, music, or anything else that I find interesting.

However, the big takeaway should be the  overriding fact that there is a very simple reason that Leftists are who they are.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

My Theory Holds

Joe Biden:
"The idea that I'd be intimidated by Donald Trump. He's the bully that I knew my whole life. He's the bully that I've always stood up to. He's the bully that used to make fun when I was a kid that I stutter, and I'd smack him in the mouth."
60 years later and he's still obsessed with the kids who bullied him. They never get over it. They never grow up.

Cognitive Dissonance of the Left

Remember, there are only three types of people who can live comfortably with cognitive dissonance: Children, the insane and Leftists. Most Leftists are a combination of those three.

Joe Biden is being called a "segregationist" because he opposed school busing in the 1970s. The Left thinks that this is evil.

Meanwhile, on college campuses across the country, blacks and other minorities are holding their own segregated graduation ceremonies, have segregated dorms, segregated cafeterias and are associating with only others of their own ethnicities. The Left thinks that this is fine.

Leftists call The United States an evil hellhole of hatred and racism. And, yet, they are inviting everyone in the world to come here and partake of our benefits and have a better life.

The Left endlessly repeats that it is "fighting back" against "lies and hatred". And, yet, their entire lives are spent spewing out lies and hatred towards anyone who disagrees with them.

People dressed in black beating up their political opponents calling themselves "anti-facist".

To be continued...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Go Kamala!

I really hope that Kamala Harris wins the Democrat nomination for the presidency. Just imagine the fun.

POTUS: Prostitute of the United States.

Or, better yet:

HOTUS: Hooker of the United States.

If she hadn't been banging Willie Brown behind his wife's back, she'd be a public defender in some low-rent attorney's office.

There's only one thing that you can call a person who has sex for monetary gain. The word begins with a "W" and ends with "hore".

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Orwell Knows the Democrat Party

“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.”
George Orwell, 1984

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Moving Leftier

Why would a Leftist professor suddenly come out with a hit-piece on Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Because judging someone based on the "content of their character" doesn't work very well for Leftists. When you have no moral principles beyond power-at-all-costs, it means that your character will be found to be non-existent.

Also, not judging someone by the "color of their skin" doesn't work at all with Leftist identity politics. How can you instill tribalism if people are judged as individuals? You can't, so the Left's entire plan to divide and conquer would fall apart.

And so, the powers that be on the Left have determined that a man who had been their greatest icon for the past 50 years must be destroyed. I guarantee you that the author of this piece, David Garrow, was called to a meeting with high level Leftist organizers and handed the info about MLK watching and laughing as a woman was raped in front of him. Garrow was then told to write the article. Being a good little Leftist, he has complied.

If they'll do that to MLK to advance their power, what do you suppose they'd do to you if you stood in their way?

Friday, May 31, 2019

Random Stuff (1)

  • Of all of the 8194 Democrats currently running for president, I'd want Kamala Harris to win. Not because I like her but because, if we have to have a Democrat President, calling her the Prostitute in Chief and watching the Democrats' heads explode every time would be a lot of fun.
  • Joe Biden is up by 20-30 points among the 8194 Democrats currently running for president. How off the rails has the Democrat Party gone to consider Joe Biden to be the sane candidate?!?

  • Just to freak Leftists out: If you live in a state where concealed carry is legal, the odds are that you walk right by someone carrying a gun every day. You stand in line at the store next to someone carrying a gun every day. And yet, somehow, you've never been shot. Weird, huh?

  • Democrats, "The Party of Science" believe that a fetus with unique DNA is not a human being. They also believe that the climate, after 4 billion years of change, should stop changing now because reasons.

  • The Left wants you to believe that the climate is changing because of mankind's actions. Even if that were true (it's not), so what? The climate is going to change regardless of mankind. What we may do may influence it a tiny bit (it won't) one way or another, but it's going to change.

  • Want to shut a Church of Climate Change fanatic up? Ask it (pronouns) what the temperature of the earth should be. What is the exact temperature that the earth should be at forever and ever, amen?
  • A Leftist calling someone a Fascist is no different than a six-year-old calling someone a "poopy head".  They both know that those words are bad and they will use them because they hate whomever they're using the epithets against. That's really as deep as the thought process goes.

Monday, May 27, 2019

I Think She Didn't Think

If passing anti-abortion bills will make hot chicks take their clothes off for us, I say we pass more anti-abortion bills! Who's with me?

Leftists/children are so bad at thinking things through.


The Left: President Trump is engaging in a cover-up!

President Trump: Fine. I'll declassify everything to show America that I'm not covering anything up.

The Left: That's not fair!